Legislature(1997 - 1998)

03/09/1998 01:10 PM House JUD

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR 47 - CONST AM: APPELLATE JUDGES                                            
Number 0048                                                                    
CHAIRMAN GREEN announced the first item of business would be HJR
47, proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Alaska            
relating to the nomination, selection, appointment, and public                 
approval or rejection of justices of the supreme court and of                  
judges of courts established by the legislature that have as an                
exclusive purpose the exercise of appellate jurisdiction over                  
judicial acts and proceedings, and requiring legislative                       
confirmation of those justices and judges and of the appointed                 
members of the judicial council.                                               
CHAIRMAN GREEN advised members there had been a request to vote on             
the resolution.  He asked whether there were any questions first.              
Number 0086                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE NORMAN ROKEBERG made a motion to take up and move               
HJR 47 out of committee, with individual recommendations and any               
attached fiscal notes.                                                         
CHAIRMAN GREEN asked whether there was any objection to taking it              
up; none was heard.  He then asked whether there was any objection             
to moving it.                                                                  
Number 0116                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ERIC CROFT objected.  He requested an at-ease.                  
CHAIRMAN GREEN called an at-ease at 1:11 p.m.  He called the                   
meeting back to order at 1:12 p.m.                                             
Number 0173                                                                    
CHAIRMAN GREEN requested a roll call vote.  Voting to move HJR 47              
from committee was Representative Rokeberg; voting to move it but              
with the understanding that their votes were no indication of                  
further support were Representatives Bunde and Green; and voting to            
move it with a "reluctant yes" was Representative Porter.  Voting              
against it were Representatives James, Berkowitz and Croft.                    
Therefore, HJR 47 moved from the House Judiciary Standing Committee            
by a vote of 4-3.                                                              

Document Name Date/Time Subjects